Learn about Christianity, the Bible, and Christian theology

Apps & websites for the Christian Life

We teach Christianity through Bible verses, Bible study, and Catechisms about core theological tenants. We reinforce these learnings with Christian songs and music (Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs).

Swarzy Websites & Apps

Swarzy builds and operates websites including Verses for Life (and its app), Catechism for Life, and Psalmlist.

Verses for Life

Verses for Life screenshot (mobile web)

Verses for Life helps people learn Bible verses by topic. It is available atverses.life and available for mobile and tablet devices on in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

The website uses API.Bible API and Digital Bible Library to provide access to a range of Bible versions and languages.

Catechism for Life

Catechism for Life screenshot (iPhone)

Catechism for Life is available for mobile and tablet devices on in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Catechism for Life provides access to the Westminster Shorter Catechism's 107 questions and answers in a fun and memorable format with cards and the ability to play the Q&A with a selection of voices.


PsalmList screenshot (mobile web)

PsalmList provides links to playlists of Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.

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